We founded WeSwap to put power back into the hands of ordinary travellers like you and us. Nobody should be worrying about poor exchange rates when there’s a perfect sunset to watch (and take a selfie in front of).
So this summer we want to see the most inspirational selfies you've got. We'll be surprising someone with £50 free travel money every week. PEOPLE POWER!
Above is Ludo's winning entry from week one. For yours, think peace signs, fist-bumps, hugs, high-fives or anything that celebrates the power of people. And always use the hashtag #UpgradeMySummer.
Here are some other great entries we've had so far... Follow us on Instagram to keep on top of everything...
Thanks everyone, can't wait to see your People Powered Selfies.
Don't forget to follow us and always ask us to #UpgradeMySummer
Good luck!
The WeSwap Team