Given that WeSwap HQ stands tall in North London and that we have tons of data on how real travellers spend here, we thought it only right to share our knowledge of how to travel in England's fair capital. Yes, London can be expensive, but it's also possible to travel smart and budget wisely. If...
27 February 2017Let me start by saying that despite being nearly 30, I passed my driving test only three years ago, having had lessons, on and off, for the best part of seven years. It wasn’t so much that I was horribly bad at driving, I just kept putting it off. For seven years.
25 February 2017Using real data from real travellers, we look at how many Australian dollars you need to budget per day, at which things are really worth doing and, of course, at how you can save some money and travel smart in Australia's most popular city.
24 February 2017One of the trickiest thing about a trip to Las Vegas is knowing how much money you need to budget. The truth is, you could spend hundreds, thousands or millions of dollars quite easily in Vegas, it depends on how much money you want to spend (or win) in a casino. Gambling aside (it's hard...
24 February 2017February 2017 Dublin is one of those cities that always seems to be in a good mood. But how many Euros do you need to budget per day in Dublin? How much do the most popular attractions cost? Do we have any money saving tips? We have a good go at answering all of these...
22 February 2017February 2017 In a twist that Tolkien would have been proud of, the world might actually have a new, eighth continent... And there’s a chance you’ve already been to it.
17 February 2017February 2017 One of the many cool things about having a worldwide community of travellers is that we can gather and share tips from locals everywhere...
10 February 2017August 2017 As the stigma around online dating fades, most people are quite open and honest about their experiences. Opinions vary, but numbers confirm its popularity worldwide. But is Tinder a good idea when away from your home country?
8 February 2017January 2017 When it comes to living well on a budget, students are in a league of their own. So who better to ask for guidance on touring around Europe than someone who provides students with their advice! Ruth Bushi works for money saving hub,
26 January 2017